YWIPU Week 18 – The Happy New Year Edition

ywipu4 January 2016

Hello, 2016!

Come See Us in the Q


Want to see Pin Up! The Movie on the big screen? We’ll be at the Albuquerque Film Festival on January 10th at 2pm at Aux Dog Theater.

Oh, and it’s part of the Albuquerque Comic Con – and we’ll be there the same day Carrie Fisher will be at the festival. Girl power overload.

Speaking of Carrie Fisher

From the infamous Rolling Stone photo shoot.

From the infamous Rolling Stone photo shoot.

The whole “did she age well” kerfuffle after Carrie Fisher had the audacity to look like a 50-something woman in the new Star Wars is kind of discouraging.

But her responses? Brilliant.


Speaking of Pushing Back

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The #NotAStripper movement by recreational pole dancers is getting its own sort of push back by women who make their living dancing on poles – and who rightly note that pole dancing has its roots in strip clubs and burlesque.

The World of the BurlyQ

Screenshot 2016-01-03 13.56.40

Our Tweets get curated from time to time from people who have blogs on Paper. One of the coolest I’ve seen recently is from the Twitter user Swedish Housewife (@TheSHW). Check out her work – loving it!

Be Still My Beating Heart


This calendar of firemen from France by Fred Goudon needs no translation.

The Best Nine

2015-12-28 19.37.54Fun to look back at the film’s most popular Instagram photos of the last year. But even more fun to realize that I launched the account in February 2015 and am already up to 3,200+ followers. Pin ups + Instagram = Perfect Match.

This GIF
